Eirmai Digitally Controlled Dehumidifying Dry Cabinet with Key Lock for Camera Lens, Electronic Equipment and Precious Valuables (30L) 30 Liter Capacity

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?Smart Thermoelectric AI Controller* (STAC) ?EIRMAI dehumidifier dry cabinet comes equipped with our unique STAC (Smart Thermoelectric AI Controller) which detects temperature and humidity in real-time. Users can set desired thresholds, and rest assured the EIRMAI STAC will keep within 3% of the desired level at all times.
?Steel Silence ?EIRMAI digital dry cabinet is as quiet as it is sturdy…. Built from military-grade cold rolled steel and a NASA inspired magnetic seal, the EIRMAI dry cabinet is noiseless, heatless and protects your items
?Precise Point Humidity Control ?Combined with STAC, our precise point humidity control sensor delivers acute accuracy in temperature readings. This allows users to accurately measure and control the humidity level inside the range of 25%RH to 60%RH
?Versatile Storage ?The variable internal habitat allows for a wide range of applications to preserve items such as paintings, paper money, stamps, firearms, medicines, old books, leather, antiques, musical instruments, camera lenses, cameras, teas, precious metals, jewelry, electrical components and etc.
?Energy Star Low Power ?Energy efficient power draw allows for perfect storage in a boat, RV, or camper, protecting from smoke, dust and wet conditions.
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